Rythmik Quebec International Camp 2024

11.10.2024 - 16.10.2024

Centre Étienne-Desmarteau

Deadline entry: 12.09.2024
Deadline MP3: 12.09.2024
Contact: For more information about the camp, please contact Mrs Victoria Ataol : [email protected] ; For camp fees payment, please contact Mrs Aminata Sombie : [email protected] (E-transfer to [email protected] with the password Montreal2024) ; For general inquiries, please contact Mrs Noha Taha : [email protected]
Notes: All camp details are in the camp document. Registration process : 1. Register athletes and coaches on KSIS 2. Fill out the athlete registration forms (one for each athlete) and send it to [email protected] 3. MAKE ONE E_TRANSFER FOR ALL YOUR CLUB'S PAYMENT (ALL ATHLETES) to [email protected] with the password Montreal2024 (Don't forget to indicate the club's name in the comments box) Meals order form : https://form.jotform.com/242128003601238

# Category Type
1. 2009 and older (2009 and older) Individual
2. Senior HP (2009 and older) Individual
3. Junior HP (2010-2011) Individual
4. 2010-2011 (2010-2011) Individual
5. 2012-2013 (2012-2013) Individual
6. 2014-2015 (2014-2015) Individual
7. 2016-2017 (2016-2017) Individual

Filter Entriesfilter

2009 and older (2009 and older)
1. Monaxios Sofia Alegria The Alberta Centre for Rhythmic Gymnastics Excellence CAN
2. Li Stella Ottawa RG Club CAN
3. Chalifoux Tianna Ad Astra Athletic Academy CAN
4. Chiem Sophie Ad Astra Athletic Academy CAN
5. Newsham Courtney Ad Astra Athletic Academy CAN
6. Aleixandre Géraldine Rythmi Gym CAN
7. Sun Claire Ottawa RG Club CAN
8. SARLIS Evangelia KRSG club CAN
9. Situ Leann KRSG club CAN
10. Lavigne Abigail Burlington Gymnastics Club CAN
11. Gershenovich Alisa Burlington Gymnastics Club CAN
12. Xie Sheryl Burlington Gymnastics Club CAN
13. Shtrevensky Arine Questo RG CAN
14. Gruber Ella Glimmer Athletic Club CAN
15. Hutsalo Anastasiia Alegria The Alberta Centre for Rhythmic Gymnastics Excellence CAN
16. Tirandazian Mehrana York Stars RGC CAN
17. Pylypchyk Victoria Rythmik Québec CAN
18. Palazuelos Noemi Rythmik Québec CAN
Senior HP (2009 and older)
1. Koops Morgan Ritmika RGC CAN
2. Shamiss Feye Kalev Estienne RG CAN
3. GUSYEV Sophie Planet Rhythmics CAN
4. KUTS Margaret Kalev Estienne RG CAN
5. AGNEW Keira KRSG club CAN
6. COCSANOVA Tatiana Questo RG CAN
7. Alemem Jana Kalev Estienne RG CAN
8. Pang Selena Alegria The Alberta Centre for Rhythmic Gymnastics Excellence CAN
9. Comtois Maggie Rythmik Québec CAN
10. Ossonon Anaïs Rythmik Québec CAN
11. Huang Maya Rythmik Québec CAN
Junior HP (2010-2011)
1. CRONIN Alliya York Stars RGC CAN
2. Sholkavich Milana Kalev Estienne RG CAN
3. Kononova Polina Kalev Estienne RG CAN
4. Ablikim Berna Kalev Estienne RG CAN
5. Nguyen Olivia Kalev Estienne RG CAN
2010-2011 (2010-2011)
1. Trifonova Vira Alegria The Alberta Centre for Rhythmic Gymnastics Excellence CAN
2. Nad Anna Alegria The Alberta Centre for Rhythmic Gymnastics Excellence CAN
3. Andrushko Marta Alegria The Alberta Centre for Rhythmic Gymnastics Excellence CAN
4. Chizhova Elizaveta Alegria The Alberta Centre for Rhythmic Gymnastics Excellence CAN
5. Tabakova Daria Alegria The Alberta Centre for Rhythmic Gymnastics Excellence CAN
6. Roy-Freeman Elizabeth Ottawa RG Club CAN
7. Cocomile Madeleine Ritmika RGC CAN
8. Giang Cassie Ritmika RGC CAN
9. Ursataia Sophie Ritmika RGC CAN
10. Elensky Milena Ritmika RGC CAN
11. Wang Rosanna Ritmika RGC CAN
12. Buchignani Chiara Kalev Estienne RG CAN
13. KAMEL Sophia Jusco RGC CAN
14. Cheng Gemma Jusco RGC CAN
15. Goyal Masha Jusco RGC CAN
16. Lamoureux Gabrielle Rythmi Gym CAN
17. Tousignant Magalie Rythmi Gym CAN
18. Vorotnitskaya Dana Planet Rhythmics CAN
19. Staritsina Miroslava Planet Rhythmics CAN
20. Wyllie Alison Planet Rhythmics CAN
21. Wang Victoria KRSG club CAN
22. Yu Silvia KRSG club CAN
23. Zeng Constance Mississauga Newnorth RGC CAN
24. Kiskinova Sabeva Bella Jusco RGC CAN
25. Youssef Zeina Rythmik Québec CAN
26. Shin Minseo Questo RG CAN
27. Cui Shiyi (Mia) Ottawa RG Club CAN
28. Zhao Sabrina Glimmer Athletic Club CAN
29. He Emily York Stars RGC CAN
30. Tchana Nya Naeska GR CAN
31. Ulusoy Ela Rythmik Québec CAN
2012-2013 (2012-2013)
1. Cho Tara York Stars RGC CAN
2. Ying Renee York Stars RGC CAN
3. Stephenson Ellisif Fredrika Ottawa RG Club CAN
4. Qin Anlan Ottawa RG Club CAN
5. Cocomile Lauren Ritmika RGC CAN
6. Taurino Sofia Ritmika RGC CAN
7. Axford Alia Ad Astra Athletic Academy CAN
8. Deniaud Maya Ad Astra Athletic Academy CAN
9. Recinos Zoe Ritmika RGC CAN
10. Cheng Riley Jusco RGC CAN
11. Hoferica Emilie Jusco RGC CAN
12. Rybakova Angelina Jusco RGC CAN
13. Kramar Maria Rythmi Gym CAN
14. Robillard Maëva Rythmi Gym CAN
15. Amara Ghalia Rythmi Gym CAN
16. Langevin Améliane Rythmi Gym CAN
17. Yang Emma Questo RG CAN
18. Zhong Amelia Questo RG CAN
19. Anokhin Emily Planet Rhythmics CAN
20. Luc Alexa Burlington Gymnastics Club CAN
21. Markowski Elise Burlington Gymnastics Club CAN
22. Tang Chloe Burlington Gymnastics Club CAN
23. Hegazy Joury Burlington Gymnastics Club CAN
24. Zhou Emma Mississauga Newnorth RGC CAN
25. Cherkasskiy Beatrice Planet Rhythmics CAN
26. Zha Emma Questo RG CAN
27. Liang Anne Questo RG CAN
28. Chusova Avrora Questo RG CAN
29. Wong Tiffany Kalev Estienne RG CAN
30. Davis Madeline Jusco RGC CAN
31. Gniazdovska Gloria Alegria The Alberta Centre for Rhythmic Gymnastics Excellence CAN
32. Barry Sara-Marie Wascana Rhythmic Gymnastics Club CAN
33. Lebeau Y-Lan Naeska GR CAN
34. Marie Ethel Boni Rythmik Québec CAN
35. Bouzid Tilleli Rythmik Québec CAN
36. Charest Sophie Rythmik Québec CAN
37. Dorfeuille Hanishka Rythmik Québec CAN
38. Gavrylenko Elizabeth Rythmik Québec CAN
39. Li Noelle Rythmik Québec CAN
40. Pylypchyk Diana Rythmik Québec CAN
41. Rajar Masa Rythmik Québec CAN
42. Saenz Martinez Melanie Rythmik Québec CAN
43. Yavorska Marta Rythmik Québec CAN
2014-2015 (2014-2015)
1. Sun Jenny Ottawa RG Club CAN
2. Cocomile Charlotte Ritmika RGC CAN
3. Scourtoudis Kassandra Ritmika RGC CAN
4. Nikulenko Varvara Ritmika RGC CAN
5. Oulianov Milana Jusco RGC CAN
6. Ilyasov Michelle Jusco RGC CAN
7. Horth Florence Rythmi Gym CAN
8. Gonzalez Maïa-Ixchelle Rythmi Gym CAN
9. Roy-De Grandmaison Callie Rythmi Gym CAN
10. Mykhailova Mariia Burlington Gymnastics Club CAN
11. Zhou Sophia Mississauga Newnorth RGC CAN
12. Infante Sanchez Alisson Mariana Rythmik Québec CAN
13. Kozlovskaya Alexandra Questo RG CAN
14. Mu Catherine KRSG club CAN
15. Mamedova Lamiya AS Dynamo CAN
16. Lebeau Ai-Vy Naeska GR CAN
17. Boudedja Naila Rythmik Québec CAN
18. Gudumac Bianca Rythmik Québec CAN
2016-2017 (2016-2017)
1. Entina Eva Ritmika RGC CAN
2. Rolik Ariella Ritmika RGC CAN
3. hervieux Ariane Rythmi Gym CAN
4. Lau Clara Ottawa RG Club CAN
5. Cui Talia Ottawa RG Club CAN
6. Dvornyk Yeva Kanata RSG CAN
7. Shteinbock Myriam KRSG club CAN
8. Mu Phoebe KRSG club CAN
9. Azoug Yasmine Rythmik Québec CAN
10. Lefèvre Carlota Rythmik Québec CAN
1. Assadoullaev Julia York Stars RGC CAN
2. RYBAK Natalia Alegria The Alberta Centre for Rhythmic Gymnastics Excellence CAN
3. Nad Anna Alegria The Alberta Centre for Rhythmic Gymnastics Excellence CAN
4. JIN Xinhong Ottawa RG Club CAN
5. Joukova Svetlana Kalev Estienne RG CAN
6. Reble Rhea Ritmika RGC CAN
7. Bramer Connie Ad Astra Athletic Academy CAN
8. Mills Kelly Ad Astra Athletic Academy CAN
9. Musin Katia Jusco RGC CAN
10. Argumedo Liliana Rythmi Gym CAN
11. Pegeurro Christèle Rythmi Gym CAN
12. Arsenault Véronique Rythmi Gym CAN
13. Strevensky Ekaterina Questo RG CAN
14. Chtrevenskii Alexandra Questo RG CAN
15. Korkh Natasha Planet Rhythmics CAN
16. Dolic Andrea Mississauga Newnorth RGC CAN
17. Kerr Samantha KRSG club CAN
18. Pokidina Svetlana AS Dynamo CAN
19. Busato Maria Jusco RGC CAN
20. Kovtun Lyudmyla Burlington Gymnastics Club CAN
21. Taboada Monica Naeska GR CAN
22. Taboada Nadia Naeska GR CAN
23. Vézina Romane Naeska GR CAN
24. Kirillova Daria Rythmik Québec CAN